June 19, 2011

One finished quilt

So about 15 months ago I walk into an upmarket children's clothing and furniture boutique and spy some beautiful bed quilts. Bearing in mind the future move to a brand spanking new house which will include extricating 3 children and their belongings from the one room they currently share and spreading them out a little, the idea of brand spanking new quilts for each child in the brand spanking new bedrooms seemed little short of inspired. These, ahem, shop quilts which rated very highly on the gorgeousness scale were equally high on the expensiveness scale. Being newly reacquainted with my sewing machine at the time, my first thought was 'I'll just make them, how hard can it be?'

Well, it wasn't hard exactly but far! more! time consuming! than I could ever have imagined - and I didn't even do fancy squares. Making a quilt does not just involve sewing a few squares of lovely fabric together! Who'd have thought? Sewing the squares is just the first in a loooong series of quilt making steps from sewing a backing, buying some batting, stretching and taping it all out on the floor, keeping the kids off, making a quilt sandwich with 800! safety pins, actually quilting the darn thing (that's all the lines sewn across the top), attaching the binding and finally finishing the binding by hand sewing all around a double! bed! sized! quilt!!! This last step took approximately 4 weeks of Australian Amazing Race plus taped Offspring episodes.

It only took 11 months and I only have 2 other children. And we are moving in when?

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