April 27, 2011

Continuing the campaign

Although the bright exterior colours may be left behind, there are definitely some other features of our Malaysian idyll that could be directly imported to a Victorian Summer:

  • hammocks

  • teepee day bed by the pool

  • ummm...pool.

April 22, 2011

When a picture speaks a thousand words OR continuing the campaign for a pool

With three young children, a P/T job, a home-based business in the family and a house to build...opportunities for relaxation are few and far between. Here is proof that it is possible to have moments that are relaxed...at least when there is a pool handy.

April 20, 2011

Note to self - don't be afraid of colour

I am rethinking Flooded Gum, although that may be a holiday thought along the same lines of 'I will certainly wear that cheery holiday hibiscus dress all the time at home, maybe I should buy two' and then said-dress languishes sadly in the back of the wardrobe when I discover Glen Iris doesn't quite feel like a beach resort after all.

Hmmm...perhaps I'll leave these colourful exteriors, and the hibiscus dress, in Penang where they so beautifully belong.

April 18, 2011

From a distance...

Things are moving along despite the builder having holidays...apparently having a great time in Singapore and Malaysia...and picking up tips for exuberant exterior colour themes from Little India. Methinks the 'Flooded Gum' this cladding will shortly be painted with may turn out to be a little dull!

April 8, 2011

Becoming clad

Whilst our self-imposed deadline of lock-up before the school holidays has not quite been met, it's pretty close.

Before you think we have just built ourselves a big, grey box, remember the long section between lower and upper storey windows will actually be a horizontal timber screen...which will soften it somewhat.....hopefully!

The cladding is fibre-cement sheets. They will be painted a grey colour pretty close to the original sheet colour. We did consider leaving them bare, but the warranty does not hold unless they get a coat of paint so we are going with the sensible option!