Where does one begin when one has a beautifully sloping, northerly aspect one-acre block to build an eco-friendly house, home office, vegetable garden, orchard, chookhouse, football ground/cricket pitch and dog kennel on.....and one is a fairly enthusiastic about collecting, reading and digesting of information on whatever one is currently interested in?
...magazines of course.

We discovered
Sanctuary magazine at the now only on-line
Neco superstore. An impressive looking glossy on Australian sustainable designs we snapped up the current issue plus back copies and pretty much signed up for a subscription via computer that night. Inspiration and ideas followed...rammed earth wall! straw-bale! polished concrete! cross-breezes! thermal mass! solar panels! Grey-water system! 2-storey! 1-storey! double-glazing! thermal chimney!lap-pool splitting the house in two and running under a glass walkway connecting the two sections!....hmmmm.... It was fun to be in the
anything is possible stage.